Tuesday, December 13, 2022

ChatGPT Does Nihilism

A Poem About The Sun

The radiant sun so brightly shines
But its warmth brings only pain
A beacon of light in the sky malign
A source of death and sorrow again

The sun is a fiery sphere of death
A brilliant, burning orb in the sky
It scorches the earth with its fiery breath
And brings destruction to all that passes by

In endless cycles it does rise and fall
A never-ending dance in the sky
A symbol of power and terror to all
A guiding light, a reason to die

Its rays stretch out across the land
Illuminating all that they touch
A symbol of death, destruction, and command
A source of agony and despair to all that it cushions

We rise each day and face the dawn
With fear and dread to guide our way
And in the evening, when the day is gone
We curse the sun for another day.

We cower in its warmth and glow
And are terrified of its presence
A shining star that we all know
The sun, a harbinger of our demise.

-- ChatGPT, 14 December 2022.

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